Caring To Be The Best
“Home Health Care is Our Service;
Peace of Mind is Our Promise”
Professional License Number:
Medicare Certified and Licensed by the State of Florida 20010096/20011096/21001095
Certain triggers might make your parent's urinary incontinence worse. For instance, soda should be cut out because it contains carbonation and caffeine, which can make incontinence worse. Have your parent stick to drinking water.
To minimize accidents, you should make it as simple as possible for your parent to get to the bathroom. At home, remove clutter from the pathway to the bathroom so that your parent can get to the bathroom quickly without falling. Also, think about installing grab bars in the bathroom to make it easier for your parent to get on the toilet.
If your parent is a smoker, you should try to persuade him or her to quit the habit. Smoking can cause coughing, which puts pressure on the bladder. Quitting smoking can improve your parent's incontinence issues and reduce his or her risk of various other health conditions.
If your parent is incontinent, you may think it is best for him or her to drink less fluids. However, this can actually worsen the problem. If your parent is dehydrated from not drinking enough water, his or her urine may become more concentrated, irritating the bladder. Have your parent drink a glass of water whenever he or she feels thirsty.
A Visiting Redi-Nurse /
Redi-Nurse /
Care Health Services
155 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd.
Ste No.106 Port St. Lucie, FL 34984
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
On Call Assistance Available 24 hours
Professional License Number:
Medicare Certified and Licensed by the State of Florida 20010096/20011096/21001095
Free Initial Consultation